Monday, August 26, 2024

crafting with grandma . . . Granny Square Cat!

I was browsing on Pinterest and saw a very cute pattern for a granny square cat! If I had a granddaughter, I'd make one for her . . . I might modify it and make a dog or monster for my grandsons . . . if I do, I'll post photos and the modified pattern for you! But for now, I'll share this pattern so if you want to make one, you'll have the links! (If you follow the links you'll find a photo tutorial to help you make your own granny square cat!)

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Hand Down the Faith with a Mystery Bag Project - God Knows What the Future Holds

We, and the children we love, are living in what is most certainly able to be considered an uncertain time. But, while we do not know what all to expect from day to day, we do know God has good things in store for us and we are able to pray the ones we love will be able to see those, "good things". 

Grandparents Day Footprint Hearts!

I love hand and foot print crafts, so when I was browsing on Pinterest the other day and saw this cute idea for footprint Valentines, I had to share it with you! All you need is paper, paint and of course, little feet! While of course it is a craft which "fits" well with Valentine's Day, since I know many moms read this blog, it is also a fantastic craft for you to make with the children you love for their grandparents - it is a wonderful Grandparents Day (September 8, 2024) craft for sure!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Grandparents Day Gifts - Praying Deeper Books

Praying for our grandchildren (and children) is something we all know we need to do, but it is also something with which many of us struggle. We may feel like our prayers do not even make it through the ceiling above us and do not know what to say or how to pray. Our lives are busy, so finding the time to pray can be a challenge which we may not overcome and then days go by without us spending time in prayer.

Today is National Waffle Day!

I have grandsons and the one who is 16 absolutely enjoys waffles. When he spends the night at our house (typically once a week) he almost always has waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage links, and coffee for breakfast! He would say every day should be Waffle Day, but happily, today is Waffle Day! Let's look at some Waffle Fun Facts - did you know . . .

Friday, August 23, 2024

Grandma - You DO Make a Significant Difference!

I wrote a book, the DNA of Grandparents & Parents Who Hand Down Confident Faith  (available at this link) for grandparents (and parents) and in one chapter I share some of the history of Fanny Crosby - today I'm sharing a bit of it with you. 

He is Darth Vader. I can NOT hug him!

Don't you just love it when your grandchildren show their imagination? Well, eight years ago when my youngest grandson was three, he looked at his Poppa and said; "I'm Kenobi, Kenobi." Then ran at him to attack! Apparently Kenobi, Kenobi (Obi Wan Kenobi) decided Poppa was Darth Vadar and had to attack him! Kenobi, Kenobi did very well - defeated Darth Vadar. I asked him if Poppa might be tired (after about 20 minutes of running full bore at poppa, arms - light sabers - flailing) and maybe he was in need of a hug. To which he said (rather indignantly) "He is NOT Poppa. He is Darth Vadar. I can NOT hug him!" Of course he can not! 😃

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Today is the Perfect Time to get Grasshopper Mice, Laughing Kookaburras, Jawfish & More!


Today I am happy to share about the last book in the Life on the Goldilocks Planet book series - Grasshopper Mice, Laughing  Kookaburras, Jawfish & More! In this book you will find  Grasshopper Mice, Glasswing Butterflies, Bee Hummingbirds, Servals, Laughing Kookaburras, Spectacled Bears, Cuban Painted Snails, Hooded Seals, Marbled Polecats, Keas, Jawfish, and Green Basilisk Lizards - which of these have you never heard of before? I was afraid I would not find interesting, surprising animals for the final book, but these are all very interesting and surprising - especially the Grasshopper Mice - yes, the Grasshopper Mice! They are fierce predators - even venomous spiders, scorpions, centipedes, and snakes are afraid of these tiny mice!

It is National Burger Day

I think it is safe to say, most Americans enjoy a good burger, so a day to celebrate this favorite food will likely be a tasty day! I thought it would be fun on this day of the burger, to find some burger facts; did you know . . . 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Make it Easy & Fun to Learn about Surprising Animals with Aardvarks, Coelacanths, Colugos & More!


Have you ever heard of a Coelacanth? They were thought to be extinct - the oldest fossils of these fish date back 410 million years! But, imagine how surprised fishermen were when a live Coelacanth was discovered off the coast of South Africa in 1938! From time to time they are found, but not often as they live in deep waters.  Aside from still being alive, two more surprising things about Coelacanths are they typically live 100 years and mom Coelacanths are pregnant for five years! Yes, five years! I'm SO glad I'm not a Coelacanth.

The 4N1 - Great for Your Own Use & a Fantastic Grandparents Day Gift for Someone You Love!


If you are looking for a great gift for the grandparents in your life who may need some help with mobility, the Miracle Mobility 4N1 rollator/electric wheelchair is the perfect gift to give to them. I received one to review and went to a local garden/ sculpture park (Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park) and spent several hours driving it inside the building and outside in the garden and sculpture park - the following is what I think of the 4N1 -

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Teach the "Whys" with Jaguars, Lilac-Breasted Rollers, Nautiluses & More!


We parents and grandparents tend to do a decent job when it comes to teaching the "whats" - what the Bible says and therefore "what" we believe. But, we do not teach the "whys" - why we are able to believe God is real, the Bible is true, God and science DO go together, and God is good. When we do not teach the "whys" we open the door for someone to question what we believe and for the ones we love to turn away from their faith when they do not know the answers. We must teach the "whys" so they know the answers and are able to have a confident faith.

Today is National Bacon Lovers Day!

When my grandsons spend the night, nearly every Saturday, we always have bacon for breakfast the next morning, because they enjoy bacon. I am their grandma, so of course we have bacon! When I saw today is National Bacon Lovers Day, I had to let you know . . . it is absolutely a day to celebrate with the ones you love - if they love bacon! So, let's start with some bacon fun facts - did you know . . . 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Do What Really Matters with Polar Bears, Purple Gallinules, Numbats & More!


As parents and grandparents we certainly are able to be inspired and motivated to hand down confident faith to the children we love - yes, it absolutely matters today what we do with them to hand down confident faith - and the Life on the Goldilocks Planet books will help you do exactly this!