Monday, September 9, 2024

Praying Deeper Books


Praying for our grandchildren (and children) is something we all know we need to do, but it is also something with which many of us struggle. We may feel like our prayers do not even make it through the ceiling above us and do not know what to say or how to pray. Our lives are busy, so finding the time to pray can be a challenge which we may not overcome and then days go by without us spending time in prayer.

Today is California Admission Day!

For those of you, including some of my family, who live in California, today is the day to celebrate the day in 1850 when it became the 31st State of the Union! So, to help them celebrate, let's look at some of their silly laws and then some interesting fun facts about California - did you know . . .

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Today is Grandparent's Day, Literacy Day, Hug Your Hound Day & Pardon Day!

Today is a busy day! It is Grandparent's Day, International Literacy Day, Hug your Hound Day and Pardon Day . . . as I said, it is a busy day for sure! So, let's celebrate!

Being Intentional

If we are serious about passing on a heritage of faith to our grandchildren, we really need to be intentional. We need to think about it. We need to pray. We need to have conversations we plan, as well as be listening and watching for opportunities to help our grandchildren connect what they are doing/what is happening with God's Word.

This may sound difficult, but it is not. It is just about being intentional. About thinking about it. About planning. About watching for those opportunities.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

I'm Giving Away One Life in Christ Bible

Don't forget -HarperCollins is making one Life in Christ Bible Brown LeatherSoft version available for me to give away. If you live in the USA and would like to be in this giveaway, please comment below. If you share this post, please let me know in your comment and you will receive an additional entry in the drawing which will be on September 12, 2024.

Help Our Grandchildren See & Remember

Our grandchildren absolutely need to hear us talk about how God has been faithful to us yesterday. They need to hear us point out how He is faithful to us today. They also need to hear us share why we believe God will be faithful to us tomorrow. They need to hear these things.

But, they also need to remember how God has been faithful to them yesterday. They need to see how God is faithful to them today. When they remember and see these things, they will be able to believe God will be faithful to them tomorrow.

Today is National New Hampshire Day

If you, or someone you love, call the State of New Hampshire "home", then today is a day to celebrate! So, once again, I will share some of their silly laws with you and some of the interesting facts about this State so you are able to share them with the children you love. Did you know . . . 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Today is National Read a Book Day

While every day is a great day to read a book, today is actually National Read a Book Day! says, "Bringing new worlds to life, books enlighten us and transport us on exciting adventures. They can challenge our perspectives on the human experience in ways unmatched by other media. In a world deluged by technology, National Read a Book Day encourages us to silence the noise and turn the pages for a while." Along with making time to read a book today, consider sharing the following book fun facts with the children you love (I do this whenever I write about a "special" day as it is a fun way to connect) - did you know . . . 

It is Sourdough September!

Do you enjoy sourdough bread? Well, September is the month to try making it as it is Sourdough September! You will find out about the history of Sourdough September along with some ideas for celebrating it this month at the following link, but I thought I'd also include a recipe for making sourdough . . . why not give it a try!

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Glasses from Zenni

A year ago I shared with you about my Zenni glasses. Many of us wear glasses. Each year after my yearly dr visit, I return home to order my new glasses on-line from Zenni. If you have never heard of Zenni before and you or anyone in your family wears glasses, please take a minute to check their site as they have some of the most wonderful designs, styles, and options at prices you will not believe!

grandma's cookbook . . . Cherry Jam Thumbprint Cookies!


If you enjoy baking cookies with your grandchildren and want to try a recipe which you may not typically make, consider this recipe for Cherry Jam Thumbprint Cookies (I found it at this link and "tweaked" it just a bit) . . . 

September is National Honey Month!

September is "National Honey Month - it is a celebratory and promotional event which is held annually during the month of September. Its purpose is to promote US beekeeping, the beekeeping industry, and the use of honey as a natural and beneficial sweetener." Before we look at some ideas for celebrating National Honey Month, let's learn some fun honey facts, did you know . . . 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Life in Christ Bible Review & Giveaway

I have been invited to review the new Life in Christ Bible and to give one Brown LeatherSoft version away as well. First, let me share with you about this new study Bible. Harper Collins/ Thomas Nelson says - 

"God has a purpose for your life in this moment. You have a part to play in what He is doing in the world. But knowing why you are here starts with knowing who God says you are. The Life in Christ Bible invites you to embrace your identity and purpose as you:

September is Friendship Month!

"Friendship Month is all about highlighting the importance of what friends mean and celebrating what friendship brings to all of our lives every day!" You will find ideas for ways to celebrate Friendship Month on this link, but I also wanted to share with you some scientific facts about friendship as well. Did you know . . .