Christmas is just a few months away, so if you like to crochet, consider making some fun, warm hats for the ones you love!
When my grandsons were younger I crocheted fun hats for them - Agent Perry hats, yellow Minions, purple Minions, and a "Gimli" hat (their dog is named Gimli, so I got yarn the color of Gimli and crocheted ears like Gimli!) One year, even though the boys had no lack of hats, I decided since we had been having great fun making up monster stories, a monster hat seemed like a good "fit"!Sunday, September 29, 2024
Today is World Day of Migrants and Refugees
Saturday, September 28, 2024
Books Which Make a Difference - the little answer book & the little answer book for children
Today I am happy to let you know about two books for the adults and children you love - the little answer book and the little answer book for children.
As I say in my books, I am not a scientist. I am not a theologian. I am not a philosopher. I am not an apologist. I am a mom and I am a grandma. I have listened as friends have shared how their loved grown child and/or grandchild turned away from their faith. I know this is a pain more and more parents and grandparents are experiencing (as shown by the Barna studies). We must not sit back and continue to watch as the ones we love turn away from their faith.
Today is National North Carolina Day
Friday, September 27, 2024
Tomorrow is National Good Neighbor Day!
crafting with grandma - snowman clothespin ornaments
Christmas is just three months away, so if you are looking for a fun idea to do with your grandchildren for Christmas which even your youngest grandchildren will be able to do, check out this fun clothespin snowman.
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Don't Miss Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park this Fall!
Today is Johnny Appleseed Day - Celebrate with Apple Cider Lollipops!
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Today is National Cooking Day!
On Nationaltoday (dot) com they say; "It can be easy to get in a rut of constantly ordering takeout, heating-up frozen meals, or settling for a dinner of apples and cheese. But if you want to feel truly nourished, nothing beats a home-cooked meal. It’s nice to slow down and enjoy the process of preparing your own food — and the joy of eating it! This is why we’re celebrating National Cooking Day on September 25. National Cooking Day encourages and inspires each of us to discover something new and enjoyable in the kitchen. It’s a time to learn a knew skill by preparing something delicious for loved ones — and ourselves. So put on your aprons and let’s get cooking!"
Book Review - The Cat Way
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
crafting with grandma - Fun, Excellent & Inexpensive Gifts - Puzzle Snowmen!
Do you enjoy putting puzzles together? What do you do with a puzzle after you put it together? Do you save it and then put it together another time or does it get put in the closet never to see the light of day again? If you have a closet with puzzles in it and you are not sure what to do with them, consider turning them into great gifts for people on your gift list this year - and I'm not talking about just re-gifting them!
I was browsing on Pinterest and saw a photo of a snowman made from painted puzzle pieces! While it doesn't have directions, it looks like it would be pretty simple project to make - just paint and then glue until you have the snowman look you want! Add some buttons for eyes and nose - I'd use some bake/clay to make a carrot nose instead of another button, make a scarf from some fleece or an old sweater/scarf and your snowman is finished! This would make such a cute gift and it would allow you to reuse a puzzle which is just sitting in your closet! (I think if you made small versions of this, they would make great ornaments as well!)Thursday is National Pancake Day - Get Ready to Celebrate!
Monday, September 23, 2024
Today is International Day of Sign Languages
Today is International Day of Sign Languages, and according to the World Federation of the Deaf, there are 72 million deaf people in the world. and there are more than 300 sign languages out there. Let's take a few minutes to learn about sign language - did you know . . .
Today is National Family Day
So before we look at what to do to celebrate your family, let's look at some fun facts about families, did you know . . .