Friday, October 25, 2024

Christmas Book Review - Don't Think of Tigers

Today I am very happy to let you know about a clever, fun and wonderfully encouraging book from Penguin Random House - Don't Think of Tigers by Alex Latimer. This book is so much fun to read and I am certain the children you love will enjoy having it read to them as well.

Today is Nevada Day!

If you, or someone you love, live in Nevada, then today is a day to celebrate as it is Nevada Day! So, of course, we will look at some of their funny laws and some interesting information about Nevada - did you know . . . 

crafting with grandma - Sweet Wire Angels

wire angel tutorialChristmas is just two months away!!! The time is certain to fly, so if you are planning to make any gifts for people on your list . . . and/or items to decorate your own home, now is definitely the time to be working on these projects! 

With this in mind, I was browsing on Pinterest - and found a wonderful angel craft! It is wonderful for several reasons: it is inexpensive! Definitely wonderful! It is simple to make! Definitely wonderful! It is adorable! Definitely wonderful!

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Christmas Book Review - The Bakery Dragon

Now you may think you know all about "dragon stories" - big dragons, small dragons, colorful dragons, black dragons, cranky dragons, nice dragons, the list goes on and on. But, in The Bakery Dragon by Devin Elle Kurtz from Penguin Random House, you are about to meet a dragon unlike any dragon you and the children you love have learned about before!

grandma's cookbook . . . Caramel Corn!

I thought it would be fun to share a special popcorn recipe with you today! From time to time homemade caramel corn makes a delicious treat to share with your family  . . . add a movie and you have the makings for a wonderful evening with those you love! Try this recipe (I found it on -

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Christmas Book Reviews - I Am the Grinch

I received two boxes of books today from Penguin Random House and so over the coming week, I will be very happy to let you know about these books which would make fantastic gifts for the children on your Christmas gift list. Giving and reading books to children is one of the best ways to build a strong relationship, help them learn to talk, develop a larger vocabulary, learn to read on their own, and do better in school - so while you may be giving a book to a child, you are actually giving them so much more!

Today I am happy to let you know about a wonderful board book - I Am the Grinch, based on Dr. Seuss's How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, written by Alastair Heim and illustrated by Tom Brannon.

crafting with grandma . . . Beaded Safety Pin Pins!

I love beaded safety pin pins . . . they are so fun to make and fun to wear! My daughter made several pins for me when she was younger . . . I still have and wear them! So, I thought it would be fun to share a couple patterns with you! First though, the basics on making beaded safety pin pins . . . 

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

grandma's cookie jar - Pumpkin Pie Bites!

Mini Pumpkin Pies

One of my favorite parts of Fall is pumpkin pie! I really love pumpkin pie . . . not only is it sooo tasty, but it is sooo good for you, too, or at least the pumpkin is! So, when I was browsing on  Pinterest and saw Pumpkin Pie Bites, well, I had to share the recipe with you!

Today is National Nut Day

"This day is devoted to all things nuts-related including recipes and cooking tips. No matter what you eat today; include a healthy helping of nuts. They have lots of health benefits and they make you happy. This is important to remember on National Nut Day!" So, on this tasty day, let's take a minute to learn some fun nut facts - did you know . . .

Monday, October 21, 2024

Fun Facts & a Recipe for National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day

A few years ago my son and family gave me an instant pot for Christmas. Since it didn't explode the first time I used it (I was afraid it would) I have since found I love cooking with it and have even used it to make cheesecake! Now, I personally do not enjoy cheesecake, but most of my family loves it, so from time to time I make one - since it is National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day, it seems like it may be the day to do so!

Before I share a recipe for Instant Pot Pumpkin Cheesecake, I thought it would be fun to share some fun pumpkin facts. Did you know - 

Today is Everyone Writes Day!

I love writing! I also love working on writing projects with my grandsons, so a day which encourages children to write is a day I believe to be well worth celebrating!   While technically Everyone Writes Day is celebrated in England, I think it is a day which should be celebrated everywhere because we all know how essential it is for the ones we love to become people who read. When my grandsons were young we spent many evenings reading books and also making up our own special stories, from time to time they even turned one of their stories into a book for me; in fact, one of my favorite birthday presents ever was the book my oldest grandson made for me titled - Super Josiah Saves Grandma from all the Robot Spiders in History! This book is on my refrigerator and when I see it, it always makes me smile!

Sunday, October 20, 2024

crafting with grandma - Let's Make Apples


Fall is upon us and since tomorrow is National Apple Day and October is National Apple Month . . . it is a great time to gather the children you love, the necessary supplies and have fun making these little apples!

Tomorrow is National Apple Day

October is National Apple Month, but tomorrow is National Apple Day. Since  I live in West Michigan - otherwise known as "Apple Country", we can not have enough "apple times" for sure, so I thought I'd share again a favorite apple recipe, an apple "hint", and some apple fun facts. First, the fun facts - did you know . . . 

Saturday, October 19, 2024

National Cookie Month - So Let's Make Cookies!

Yes, October is National Cookie Month and while the end of the month is nearing, it is still National Cookie Month, so let's make cookies! Today I have a tasty recipe which you may never have tried before - Lemon/Lime Honey Butter Cookies  gather the children you love and enjoy making - and eating these cookies - you will need . . .