Friday, November 1, 2024

What Do Your Grands Call You?

What do your grandchildren call you? Are you, Grandma, Nana, Memaw, or something entirely unique? A friend told me his grandchildren called their grandma, "G-Money" - they didn't know why, and a reader once told me when her grandchildren were little they called her, "Dave" - again, no one knew why! When my grands were little they called me, “Ga” - I loved being “Ga”! Now they call me, "Grandma" or "Grandmother" and I love both of them, too!

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Christmas Book Review - When Digz the Dog Met Zurl the Squirrel

I have one more book from Penguin Random House to share with you - When Digz the Dog Met Zurl the Squirrel by Chris Pine and illustrated by Chuck Groenink. If you and/or a child you love has a dog, especially one who might be annoyed by squirrels in your yard, then this is the book for them!

Today is National Knock Knock Jokes Day

Do the children you love have a great sense of humor and love jokes - knock knock jokes in particular? If so, then today is a day to celebrate with them as it is National Knock Knock Jokes Day! The earliest variation of the knock-knock joke can be traced back to the 1900s. According to Merely McEvoy, the joke began around 1900, and it started with the question, “Do you know Arthur?” to which one would naturally ask, “Arthur who?”. The person telling the joke would then reply, “Arthurmometer!” I don't particularly "get" this knock knock joke, but let's learn a little about knock knock jokes and then I'll share a few which you are free to share with the children you love . . . 

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Christmas Book Review - Frostfire

If you are looking for an unique story book with beautiful illustrations to give to a child you love this Christmas, consider the book, Frostfire by Elly Mackay from Penguin Random House - it is both unique and beautiful!

October 31st - An Opportunity to Share the Love of Jesus! Don't Waste It!

This post is a repeat - I share it each year in case you did not see it, or want to find it again this year.

Yesterday I wrote about the "Halloween Dilemma" and how we need to be wise. I wrote about how it gives us the opportunity to have a conversation with our grandchildren about who Jesus is and why the focus on evil and gore at Halloween is not something we want to be part of the things we do this time of year. But, having said this, I do believe Halloween does offer us an unique opportunity to share the love of Jesus with our neighbors and all the children who knock on our doors October 31st.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Christmas Book Review - An Anishinaabe Christmas

I am so happy to share with you another book from Penguin Random House which is sure to be a book the children you love will want you to read to them again and again! An Anishinaabe Christmas by Wab Kinew and illustrated by Erin Hill has a wonderful story about family, tradition, heritage, and Christmas!

Today is National Oatmeal Day

Today is National Oatmeal Day - and since oatmeal is the world's most versatile and familiar foods, it is well worth celebrating! Let's look at some interesting facts about oatmeal - did you know . . .

The Halloween Dilemma . . .

When it comes to Halloween, I have always felt a bit of a dilemma. As a child it was harmless. I dressed up as princess, a Japanese girl in a kimono, etc . . . simple  costumes with no focus on gore or evil. My siblings and I trick-or-treated to the neighbors' homes on our street and always felt like we really "scored" with our buckets of candy! After all, it was really all about the candy!!!

Monday, October 28, 2024

Christmas Book Review - Busy Betty & the Perfect Christmas Present

Don't you love it when the children you love are old enough to realize they want to give gifts to the people they love? And, when they decide to make something special the gift is ever so much more wonderful! In the book Busy Betty & the Perfect Christmas Present, author Reese Witherspoon and illustrator Xindi Yan combine to make a delightful book for the children you love!

Today is National Chocolate Day

Today is National Chocolate Day - while we certainly do not need a special day to celebrate and enjoy chocolate - as any day is a great day to do so - since there is a "National Chocolate Day", why not celebrate and enjoy it! I found some information about this tasty day and chocolate on line and thought I'd share some of it with you . . .  

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Christmas Book Review - Harold Hates to Hibernate

While here in Michigan where I live we have had a very extended warm Fall - it will be in the 70's again in a couple days - winter is actually not far away. So, when I saw the book, Harold Hates to Hibernate by Vern Kousky from Penguin Random House, I knew I wanted to share it with you. If you are a grandma (or grandpa/parent who gives books to the children you love for Christmas, take a look at this one.

Tuesay is National Cat Day!

Do you have a cat? We do. Candy is our calico cat, we got her two years ago from the local Humane Society, and since Tuesday is National Cat Day, I thought I'd share some ideas about how to celebrate.

I know we recently celebrated Global Cat Month, but let's learn a few additional things about cats - did you know . . . 

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Christmas Book Review - Elmore the Christmas Moose

Christmas is a wonderful time to give books to the children we love - and if you, like me, give a gift after your Christmas tree goes up, then Elmore the Christmas Moose by Dev Petty and illustrated by Mike Boldt is the perfect book to give!

Today is National Pumpkin Day

Yes, today is National Pumpkin Day, and since pumpkins are so good for you - and SO tasty - I'm very happy today to share some fun pumpkin facts with you along with a recipe I found on  Pinterest . . . Pumpkin, Cinnamon Pull-Apart Bread! Doesn't this sound like the perfect bread for a Fall breakfast, brunch, or special dinner?!!!! I am going to try this with my family . . . not only will it taste delicious, but I know it will make my house smell like fall - all pumkiny and wonderful, but first some fun pumpkin facts - did you know . . .