Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Christmas Book Review - Aardvarks, Coelacanths, Colugos & More! - Just Right Christmas Gift for the Children You Love


Each of my posts about the Life on the Goldilocks Planet  books highlights one of the twelve books in the series and shares how they are excellent ideas for Christmas gifts this year! As you have been able to see from my posts, each book has very interesting animals and activities - giving you the opportunity match the book with the child for a gift they will truly enjoy - especially when you combine a book with the supplies needed for all the science projects, crafts, recipes, and games which fill the books. This gift will bring joy to your family as you all learn, explore, experiment, create, and have fun together! If you have children ages four to fourteen you love who who enjoy science projects, craft projects, enjoy cooking activities, games, and learning about amazing animals, then, yes, these books are the right gifts for them!

crafting with grandma - Crocheted Upside-Down Doll!


When I was a child, my family often vacationed in the Smokey Mountains. One year on our trip, I was browsing in a "souvenir" store with my mom and saw an Upside-Down doll. It was something I had not seen before and my mom said I could have one. The doll became one of my favorites; what's not to love about two dolls in one???!!!

Monday, November 11, 2024

This Week is Anti-Bullying Week

While it is true, this week is Anti-Bullying Week, all weeks should be Anti-Bullying Weeks. A child I dearly love is dealing with bullying at school - it is so frustrating, sad, and heart-breaking when someone you love is bullied. So, today, and every day be sure to communicate how much you love the children in your live AND be crystal clear in communicating to them how bullying anyone is NEVER acceptable.

Christmas Book Review - Jaguars, Lilac-Breasted Rollers, Nautiluses & More! - a Truly Excellent Christmas Gift


Each of my posts about the Life on the Goldilocks Planet books highlights one of the twelve books in the series and shares how they are excellent ideas for Christmas gifts this year! As you have been able to see from my posts, each of the 12 books have very interesting animals and activities in them - giving you the opportunity match the book with the child for a gift they will truly enjoy - especially when you combine a book with the supplies needed for all the science projects, crafts, recipes, and games which fill the books. This gift will bring joy to your family as you all learn, explore, experiment, create, and have fun together! If you have children ages four to fourteen you love who who enjoy science projects, craft projects, enjoy cooking activities, games, and learning about amazing animals, then, yes, these books are the right gifts for them!

Today is World Origami Day!

Daysoftheyear(dot)com says for all of those folks who look at a flat sheet of paper and dream of all of the exciting objects which could be made out of it, simply by folding, today is the day for them to celebrate as today is World Origami Day. Before we look at ways to celebrate, let's learn some fun origami facts, did you know . . . 

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Christmas Book Review - Polar Bears, Purple Gallinules, Numbats & More! - The Right Christmas Gift for the Children You Love!


When you decide to give the gifts of Life on the Goldilocks Planet books for Christmas you have many options! As you have been able to see from my posts, each of the 12 books have very interesting animals and activities in them - giving you the opportunity match the book with the child for a gift they will truly enjoy - especially when you combine a book with the supplies needed for all the science projects, crafts, recipes, and games which fill the books. This gift will bring joy to your family as you all learn, explore, experiment, create, and have fun together! If you have children ages four to fourteen you love who who enjoy science projects, craft projects, enjoy cooking activities, games, and learning about amazing animals, then, yes, these books are the right gifts for them!

Today is International Tongue Twister Day

One day twelve years ago when my grands were at my house, my then four-year old grandson sat down and read several books . . . as you might imagine, there is no shortage of books at this grandma's house for boys to read! It made my heart happy to see him choose to take some time for himself to just enjoy reading books!

After a bit, he found me in the kitchen working on fixing lunch and said; "Grandma! I just read, Fox in Socks and my tongue is NOT numb!!!" If you have not read this classic book lately, on the back cover it asks, "Is Your Tongue Numb?" My sweet grandson was pretty happy he had read all those tongue twisters out loud and did not end up with a numb tongue! It made this grandma happy, too, and remembering this today it makes me happy again - because of the wonderful memory and because today is International Tongue Twister Day!

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Christmas Book Review - Cheetahs, Mimic Octopuses, Hoatzins & More! - a Fantastic Christmas Gift


I know for the past week I have been writing about the Life on the Goldilocks Planet  books, but I want you to know about this unique series which makes a fantastic Christmas gift - especially when you combine a book with the supplies needed for all the science projects, crafts, recipes, and games which fill the books. This gift will bring joy to your family as you all learn, explore, experiment, create, and have fun together! If you have children ages four to fourteen you love who who enjoy science projects, craft projects, enjoy cooking activities, games, and learning about amazing animals, then, yes, this is the gift for them!

Pumpkin Oat Cookie Bars!

I'm making some tasty pumpkin, oat cookie bars today for a special event, so I thought I'd share the recipe with you - but these tasty treats are sure to be enjoyed by anyone at any time - special event or just because! And, to add to the fun, I'm sharing some fun pumpkin facts - did you know . . . 

Friday, November 8, 2024

Christmas Book Review - Giant Anteaters, Peacock Mantis Shrimp, Rufous Potoos & More! - A Truly Unique Gift for Christmas


Are you looking for a unique gift idea for the children you love on your Christmas gift list? If so, consider giving them Life on the Goldilocks Planet book along with the supplies for a terrific gift which will bring joy to the family as you all learn, explore, experiment, create and have fun together! If you have children ages four to fourteen you love who who enjoy science projects, craft projects, enjoy cooking activities, games, and learning about amazing animals, then, yes, this is the gift for them!

It is Peanut Butter Lovers' Month

I love peanut butter and think every month is a month to celebrate the tasty treat, but since November is apparently peanut butter lovers month, it is a great time to share a simple way to turn a favorite recipe into an even better recipe . . . peanut butter toll house cookies!

crafting with grandma - Bell Candy Cane Ornaments!

Several years ago my grandsons participated in my church's mid-week Children's Ministry when they were younger, and they made ornaments for each of their teachers. One year they made, melting snowmen ornaments - white glitter in a clear glass ornament with a felt triangle for a nose, two tiny black pom-poms for eyes and stick arms - very cute and a lot of fun to make and receive!

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Christmas Book Review - Scorpionfish, Clouded Leopards, Pygmy Hippos & More! - THE Book to Give the Children You Love this Christmas!


If you are a parent/ grandparent who typically gives books to the children you love at Christmas, then Life on the Goldilocks Planet  book along with the supplies for all the fun is a terrific gift which will bring joy to the family as you all learn, explore, experiment, create and have fun together! If you have children ages four to fourteen you love who who enjoy science projects, craft projects, enjoy cooking activities, games, and learning about amazing animals, then, yes, this is the gift for them!

Today is National Bittersweet Chocolate and Almonds Day

Mmmm! I do enjoy dark chocolate and almonds, so a day to celebrate these delightful treats sounds like a good idea to me! Especially since dark chocolate is good for you and almonds are good for you . . . combining the two has to mean this sweet treat is actually good for us . . . right??!!!

I thought it would be fun to share some almond fun facts with you on this delicious day - so I looked on-line for some info to share! Did you know . . .