Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Today is National Guitar Day

My grands are quite musical and one in particular especially enjoys playing guitars - and is quite good at it! Since today is National Guitar Day, I thought it would be fun to share some interesting fun facts about guitars - did you know . . . 

grandma's cookbook - My Sister's Recipe for Pasties!

My sister lives in Northern Wisconsin, so when they visit us in Michigan they make the drive through the UP  (Michigan's Upper Peninsula) where Pasties (pronounced PASS-Tees) are a local favorite. Since Pasties are a type of pie, and it is the Great American Pie Month, I thought since my sister shared her recipe with me . . . I'd share it with you!

Monday, February 10, 2025

grandma's cookbook . . . Custard Pie

One of my all-time favorite pies is Custard Pie . . . particularly when it has been chilled in the refrigerator! So, since it is the Great American Pie Month I thought it would be a good time to share a custard pie recipe with you!

Random Acts of Kindness Week

Here's some news to brighten your day and challenge you to do so with others . . . on this day 27 years ago the first annual "Random Acts of Kindness Week" began. Originally, the idea to “practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty” came to Anne Herbert while sitting in a Sausalito cafe during the 1980s.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

The Great American Pie Month - Blueberry Pie

I've always enjoyed blueberries, and blueberry pie, but it is a pie I rarely make. So, if you enjoy blueberries and blueberry pie, here is a recipe you might try - 

Today is National Pizza Day!

Oh yes, National Pizza Day . . . certainly a day worth celebrating, so in honor of this tasty day, I'm re-posting a recipe I shared back when I began grandma's cookie jar for homemade, personal pizzas, but first a few pizza fun facts - did you know . . .

Saturday, February 8, 2025

grandma's cookbook - Leftover Turkey Puff Pot Pie!

When we think about fixing turkey, we often think about Thanksgiving! I love the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy . . . yum! But, Thanksgiving is not the only time when we fix turkey. I have the Better Homes and Gardens The Ultimate Casseroles Book  with more than 400 comfort food classic recipes and I thought it would be fun to share a recipe I found in it, modified slightly to fit a tasty way to fix turkey - for a savory pie to fix during the Great American Pie Month! 

grandma's cookbook - Valentine's Day Chocolate Covered Rice Krispie Hearts!

I have been a "fan" of rice krispie treats since I was a child. I, of course, have been a "fan" of chocolate . . . probably from birth! :-) So, when I found this recipe on  Pinterest from my blessed life for Valentine's Day Chocolate Covered Rice Krispie Hearts . . . well, of course I had to share it with you . . . 

Friday, February 7, 2025

grandma's cookbook - Lemonade Ice Cream Pie

We are one week into February, so I thought I'd share another pie recipe since it is the Great American Pie Month . . . Lemonade Ice Cream Pie! This pie is so tasty - and simple to make . . . your grandchildren will be happy to help you make it for sure!

You just need four ingredients . . . 

crafting with grandma - Crayon Hearts

I found a wonderful idea today while browsing on Pinterest . . . crayon hearts! You can make these from bits and pieces of old, broken crayons . . . rather than throw those old crayons away! It is very simple and fun - a  great craft for you to make with your grandchildren!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

grandma's cookbook . . . Strawberries & Cream Pie!

February is the Great American Pie Month, so if you are looking for a tasty pie to try this month, consider making a strawberries & cream pie - this is a family favorite so I'm sharing the recipe for the pie with you today!

Fun Valentine's Day Ideas!

There are eight days until Valentine's Day, so if you are looking for some ideas of something special and fun which you could do, take a look at these ideas I found on Pinterest!

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Great American Pie Month - Mini Apple Pies!

February is the Great American Pie Month, and while we all are familiar with - and love - apple pies, you might "mix it up" a bit by making some mini apple pies! Just stop by the store and get foil pot-pie pans and apples then you will be ready to make some tasty mini apple pies!  

crafting with grandma . . . Puzzle Heart Frames!

Do you have boxes of puzzles in your home which sit unused or have missing pieces? Are you looking for a creative idea for something fun you could do with all those puzzle pieces? Well . . . I was browsing on  Pinterest the other day and saw some very cute puzzle hearts and thought, "those would make great photo frames!" So, if you are interested in being creative with those unused puzzles, consider the following . . .