Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Great New Way to Get Glasses

I shared this post about pair eyewear last month, but since I've been wearing my new glasses for almost two months, I wanted to give you an update. I wear glasses - MS has messed up my vision, so they are necessary. It is my "philosophy" if I have to wear glasses, they might as well be "fun", have a bit of "spunk", some color, and a touch of "pizzazz", so I have always ordered glasses which are all of these things, because I believe why wear boring glasses if you do not have to do so? But, this has always meant buying multiple pairs of glasses each year - until now! In January I had my yearly eye exam, and as expected, my prescription changed, so new glasses were needed, but this time I ordered a base pair of glasses from Pair Eyewear and several fun tops to give me the fun, spunk, color, and pizzazz - basically several "pairs" of glasses, but at a significantly lower price!

The Great American Pie Month - Coconut Cream Pie

I enjoy coconut cream pie, but very rarely make it, so I thought since it is the Great American Pie Month, I'd share a tasty recipe for Coconut Cream Pie with you in case you might like to make one - possibly with the children you love!

Monday, February 17, 2025

Just for Fun!!! Animal Fun Facts - Seahorses, Tiger Sharks, Kangaroos & Giraffes!

Giraffes are born with the mother standing upSpring is not far away, so to celebrate, today I thought I'd share some animal fun facts with you which you can share with the children you love - did you know . . . 

Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day!

While I think it would be an excellent "policy" to do something kind for someone every day; today is, "Random Acts of Kindness Day"! So, on this day to be kind, be sure to do kind things for others! What kind of kind things, you ask? Well, just a few kind things could include . . . 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

My Heart is Like a Zoo

Every once in awhile a book comes along which is so unique, so delightful, so much fun . . . My Heart is Like a Zoo by Michael Hall is one such book, so today even though this book was released a few years ago, I'm very happy to let you know once more about this book.

Today is National Almond Day

Mmmm! I do enjoy almonds, so a day to celebrate these delightful nuts sounds like a good idea to me! Especially since almonds are good for you! I thought it would be fun to share some almond fun facts with you on this delicious day - so I looked on-line for some info to share! Did you know . . .

Saturday, February 15, 2025

February is the Great American Pie Month - and a Great Time to Make a Peach Pie!

While I enjoy peach pie now and then - especially with a little scoop of vanilla ice cream, I almost never make them. But February is a great time to make this wonderful pie because February tends to be cold outside, so it is the perfect time to warm your house by baking a peach pie - and one of the bonuses for doing so it the fantastic aroma which comes when you bake a peach pie!

Tomorrow is; "Do a Grouch a Favor Day"!

I discovered this special day on-line where it said, "On Do a Grouch a Favor Day, if you know someone who is always grouchy, then this is the day to go out of your way to turn their frown upside down. Celebrate by trying to make all those people with the 'I-just-sucked-a-lemon-face' or those people who are just mean all the time, happy by going out of your way to do something nice for them. Considering this holiday is immediately following Valentine's Day, the most romantic and loving holiday of the year, you are sure to find plenty of people to do favors for."

Friday, February 14, 2025

Heart-Shaped Cupcakes

I know February is the Great American Pie Month, but this recipe for heart-shaped cupcakes is SO cute, I had to share it with you for Valentines Day! What could be more fun than heart-shaped cupcakes? They are a perfect treat to either surprise the children you love on Valentines Day, or to have them help you make - and of course eat - them!

Valentines Day - Love Is . . .

Today is Valentines Day - a day when we tend to think about "love" . . . or at least the "mushy" feeling of love; but what is love, really? Take a look at I Corinthians 13 for a true picture of what love really is . . . 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

50 Pie Recipes for the Great American Pie Month!

Since February is the Great American Pie Month and Taste of Home has wonderful pie recipes, I thought I'd combine the two for a post today which will give you access to tasty pie recipes! Many of these recipes are for pies you have likely made before - such as apple, coconut, or peach, but you may also find some new ideas for pies at this link, such as, Peanut Butter Cream Pie, Possum Pie (don't worry, it doesn't contain Opossums!), and Strawberry Pretzel Pie!

Today is Self-Love Day

Nationaltoday.com says - "Self-Love Day is an annual celebration to appreciate and understand the importance of self-love. Self-love is one of the most powerful forms of love. It is something we all have coded inside us. Proponents of self-love believe it could strengthen a person’s feeling of being loved." So what is Self-Love - and what isn't it? Consider the following . . .

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

grandma's cookbook - Red, White & Blue Pies

February is the Great American Pie month, so today I am sharing a recipe you may want to keep handy for the 4th of July and then make with your grandchildren - without heating an oven! A perfect summer-time pie - although you could certainly make one today as well!

Today is Hug Day!

While every day is a day to hug those you love, in my opinion, today is a day to especially focus on hugging others, "to encourage people to show affection to each other."

Nationaltoday.com says, "Hugs are very versatile. Many of us hug when we wish to share our happiness with family and friends. At the same time, hugs are a staple when we are feeling low and need someone to just hold and console us. Hugs are also the perfect reconciliatory gesture when you want to make up with someone after a fight. Scientifically, hugs are known to release good hormones that can help lower your blood pressure and stress levels." Yes, hugs are beneficial, so let's learn a few more things about hugs - did you know . . .