Yes, today is truly, "just for fun" because it is Backwards Day! "Backward Day is a day to do everything backwards. Use your imagination, and Backward Day can be lots of fun. It's especially popular with school aged kids. Try writing backwards or reading backwards. Wear your shirt with the back in the front. Eat your meal, starting with dessert. Now this is what I call fun! Walk backwards, or talk backwards. Play a board game backwards, from the finish line to the start. Are you starting to get the picture!? This day is limited only by your imagination."
Friday, January 31, 2025
just for fun . . . !yaD sdrawkcaB si tI (It is Backwards Day!)
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Tomorrow - January 31st is National Hot Chocolate Day!
Yes! Since tomorrow is National Hot Chocolate Day, I thought I'd give you a "heads up", so you have time to get the things you need to celebrate - milk, chocolate, whipped cream - all essentials! So, today along with letting you know about this wonderful day, I thought I'd share some fun facts about Hot Chocolate - did you know . . .
Just a Reminder - Don't Forget February 15th
We are just a couple weeks away from Valentines Day, which means we are just a couple weeks away from February 15th! You ask why you should mark your calender for this day? Because it is the day after Valentines Day. Of course you realize this - it is obvious, so why does this matter? Because . . . it is the day all the heart-shaped candies go on clearance!!!! If you haven't already, make plans to head for your local store first thing on the 15th and pick up some to have on hand for special surprises from grandma! Just think of all the things you could do with heart-shaped candies . . . if you have them . . .
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
crafting with grandma . . . Pounded Flower Bandannas!
Today is a "balmy" 34 degrees at 6:51 in the morning, so I'm thinking warm, positive thoughts - Spring will be here soo and there will be beautiful plants growing all around us! Flowers, leaves, even pretty weeds! Plan to take your grandchild(ren) on a nature walk and be sure to bring a paper lunch bag along with you to collect the beautiful things they find on your walk. Talk with your grandchild(ren) about the variety of colors in the things you see and lead them in praising God for using so many wonderful colors in the things He created! Encourage them to pick colorful flowers and uniquely shaped leaves as you walk through your yard and then bring them inside to make bandannas for them to wear all Spring and Summer!
crafting with grandma - It Is National Puzzle Day January 29th - Let's Make Puzzle Crafts!
While I was never a huge "fan" of assembling puzzles, I LOVE crafts with puzzle pieces! Not only are puzzle crafts interesting and unique, but they tend to be inexpensive as most of us have puzzles in our closets which are missing at least a piece or two . . . or they can be purchased at garage sales for typically less than a dollar! I'll share some fun puzzle craft ideas with you, but first some fun puzzle facts, did you know . . .
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
A Year of Events at Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park
This year is their 30th anniversary - and boy have they filled the year with so many incredible opportunities to strengthen your health - as being around nature and art are physically and mentally good for you and Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park is filled with nature and art! Check out just some of the fun they have planned for February and March -
grandma's cookbook - It Is Blueberry Pancake Day - January 28th - & My Pancake Recipe!
Nearly every Saturday our grands come over so they can spend the night! Sunday morning I fix breakfast . . . they usually choose sausage, bacon, eggs, waffles, and coffee! Sometimes, they choose blueberry pancakes, so since today is Blueberry Pancake Day, I thought I'd share my pancake recipe with you!
Monday, January 27, 2025
just for fun - Today - January 27th - is Chocolate Cake Day!
I am extremely happy to say today is Chocolate Cake Day! Here in Michigan it has been very cold and snowy for the past week, but today will be in the 30's - a real "heat wave", so what could be a better way to brighten a cold day, than with a piece of chocolate cake?!!! Even if it was not Chocolate Cake Day, it would still be a great way to brighten this day . . . but it is!!! So, let's celebrate!
Valentines Day Footprint Hearts!
Sunday, January 26, 2025
More on the Orchid Show at Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park
Centuro Mini - a Very Mobile Mobility Scooter!
Spring will be here soon - this means the outside will become significantly more inviting, so if you - or someone you love - has mobility issues, then definitely consider getting a Centuro Mini and you will discover you (or they) are able to enjoy the outdoors and all Spring has to offer!
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Orchid Show at Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park
Things I Love About the 4N1 - a Unique Mobility Rollator/Chair and the Perfect Gift for You or Someone You Love
Miracle Mobility sent me their unique and award-winning 4N1 to review so I am able to try it out in a variety of settings and let you know all about it. If you or someone you love is experiencing mobility challenges, the 4N1 may be the perfect resource for you/them as it combines a rollator, electric wheelchair, a wheelchair others are able to push someone in, and a power assist chair into one amazing item! Today I will share a few of my observations about it so you are able to consider it for yourself or someone you love - it would make a fantastic gift for sure as it is actually the gift of mobility!
After looking it over and using it for the past couple years, the following things are the things I love about the 4N1 -
- It is surprisingly comfortable! I was concerned it might not be very comfortable, but it is!
- It is lightweight - a huge plus which makes it easy to get in and out of a car so you - or someone you love - are able to get out and go places!
- It is easy to use. I was concerned about the joystick control as I have heard they may be challenging to use, but so far, it seems pretty easy to move around with it.
- I love how it is able to be used as a rollator - if you are able to walk a bit, the 4N1 will let you walk when you are out and about, and easily switch to a powered chair if you need to do so. Excellent!
- I LOVE how the 4N1 has a bag under the seat - this is a great place to keep a folding cane, put a purse, or whatever you need to have with you. This may seem like a little thing, but I LOVE this!
crafting with grandma . . . Beaded Safety Pin Pins!
I love beaded safety pin pins . . . they are so fun to make and fun to wear! My daughter made several pins for me when she was younger . . . I still have and wear them! So, I thought it would be fun to share a couple patterns with you to give you some ideas of something fun to do with the children you love! First though, the basics on making beaded safety pin pins . . .